EV4010 Control Box Failure

Paul has helped me twice over the phone, pin pointing the problem with my EV4010. First time was troubleshooting nuisance shutdowns which we traced back to stuck brushes and burnt slip rings. Cleaned up brush holders and polished slip rings, problem solved. Most recently I fried the control box due to a 12V battery over voltage condition caused by a defective windmill dump load resistor. Over the phone Paul talked me through a step by step procedure to be certain the control box was in fact internally shorted to ground, blowing the F1 fuse. He was cautious to diagnose as he has not experienced many control box failures, especially with only 400 hours on the generator. Turns out, the over voltage condition likely fried the control box, not necessarily a failure of the control box. Thanks for all your help and videos, they are invaluable to a DIY troubleshooter.

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